Hello everybody:
I had completed a new song and I posted it yesterday. When I looked today, I saw a note of 0.51/5.00
This song is the best song I've ever made, and those people who voted 0 just voted 0 because it's classical and they don't like it.
This song, if you wanna know, is Nothing Else Matters Orchestra: This is the link
This post is not to make people listen to my songs and win more votes. I want people listen to me just for a moment.
If you are searching a funny flash movie at newgrounds and if you find the best flash is ever done (F.Ex: The Last of the Daskin, Tarboy, The Scale of Universe...), you aren't going to vote a blam because it wasn't the thing you were looking for, aren't you?
So, if you are looking for a song of Mario techno, and the first you see is a Hip Hop or a Jazz, you shouldn't vote 0. Why not? Because if you look for techno and you like techno, just vote techno.
If you think classical music is the worst noise you have ever heard, the only thing you have to do is go back and select another song instead of destroying the dreams of a future great composer (I'm not talking about me) voting to his or her masterpiece 0,74 or 1,23
Please, I only want you consider what I say.
Thank you very much.
We all are very ignorant. The thing is that not everybody is ignorant of the same things.
Albert Einstein